chain store 連鎖店
① 鏈子,鏈條
supermarket chains 連鎖超市
· Carrefour 家樂福
· WalMart 沃爾瑪
· Costco 開市客,又名好市多
Where can I find a shopping trolley? 哪里能找到購物車呢?Where are the shopping baskets?購物籃在哪里?Do you sell them individually or by weight? 論個賣還是論斤賣?Could you weigh this, please?可以稱一下這個嗎?Please give me a big/small shopping bag. 請給我一個大/小號購物袋。
Fast food chains 快餐連鎖店
· McDonald's 麥當勞
· Burger King 漢堡王
· KFC 肯德基
· Pizza hut 必勝客
· Domino’s 達美樂
· Subway 賽百味
· Starbucks 星巴克
· Costa 咖世家
I'm ready to order.我準備好點單了。I’d like a hamburger, an order of French fries, 6 pieces of Chicken nuggets and a Coke.我要一個漢堡,一份炸薯條,六個雞塊和一杯可樂。What does the combo come with?套餐里都有什麼?I’d like Combo/Meal No.4 for here.我想要四號套餐,在這兒吃。I'd like 6-inch Italian white bread with bacon please. 我要一個6英寸意大利白面包加培根的(三明治)。Please put some extra cheese on my pizza.
在我的披薩上多加點芝士。Without pickles/onions. 不要酸黃瓜/洋蔥。Can I get some more ketchup? 能多給我些番茄醬麼?I would like a cup of Americano, no room. 我想點一杯美式咖啡,不加奶油。Can you get me a medium Latte with hazelnut syrup?可以給我一杯中杯拿鐵加榛果糖漿嗎?

Do you accept credit card? 你們接受信用卡支付嗎?I have a membership card/loyalty card. 我有會員卡/積分卡。Can I use coupons? 我可以使用優惠券嗎?Can I have a receipt,please? 請給我一張購物小票好嗎?You gave me the wrong change. 你找錯我的錢了。