大家一看到 dead 或許會想到生死之間的事情,但是 cut someone dead 和死沒有關系,也不是把「某人的頭砍下來」哦。
cut (someone) dead
我們有時候不是會這樣說話嗎:「你是死了嗎?為什麼不理我?」cut someone dead 就有這樣的意思,表示故意忽略某人,對某人視而不見,假裝沒看見某人。
When I saw her on the street yesterday, she cut me dead.
I was hoping to reconcile with Mandy today, but when I approached, she just cut me dead.
cut 的相關短語
cut 這個詞就像 get 一樣,有數不清的短語搭配,下面吉米老師挑選了一些值得一記的短語,你會發現 cut 不止有切割,減少降低的意思,它可別有洞天呢!
cut off one‘s nose to spite one’s face
鼻子沒了,臉也毀了,這種損人又不利己的事可以表達為 cut off one‘s nose to spite one’s face 損人又害己。
You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you‘re just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
cut both ways
像 cut off one‘s nose to spite one’s face 這樣涉及兩方利益關系的,還有一個類似的短語 cut both ways 意為有利也有弊,是福也是禍。
He knows that his extreme competitiveness cuts both ways.
cut a figure
cut a figure 有著漂亮,瀟灑,英勇的身材,讓人印象深刻,可以用 cut afigure 表達,意為帥氣;俊美;英武。
He cut a fine figure in his officer‘s uniform.
cut a dash
英式舊時表達人風度翩翩也可以用 cut a dash 表示,只是它側重穿上服裝后的帥氣,引人注目。
He really cuts a dash in his new suit.
cut it close
cut it close 是美國用來表達差點輸掉,差點錯過的意思,英式英語中也可以用 cut it fine 表示,都有幾乎要失敗了,幾乎要輸了的意思。
They ended up winning the game, but they really cut it close at the end.
It‘s cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50!
cut from the same cloth
cut from the same cloth 從同一種布料裁剪出來的,說明兩樣東西一模一樣,非常相像。
Our mothers were cut from the same cloth.
The country‘s new president is cut from the same cloth as his predecessor.